It’s a fact of life that your carpet is going to get a little grubby over time. However, sometimes there are stains so stubborn, a quick wash isn’t going to cut it. Whether it was a spillage of that cabernet on your white rug or a stain to highlight your pets favourite place to go to the bathroom, it can be a bit depressing fighting a losing battle against some particularly stubborn stains.
However, you’re not completely out of options when it comes to doing a bit of DIY cleaning. With this in mind, here is a quick list of some of the most infamous stains in carpet cleaning and ways you might be able to scrub them out.
Coffee stains
Sometimes, there’s nothing better than a cup of joe to get your day going, unless you end up spilling it all over your carpet. Coffee stains are notoriously difficult to remove from carpets and can look especially bad if your carpet is a lighter colour.
However, if you’re quick, you can clean a significant percentage of the stain before it does too much damage with a baby wipe. These can soak up a fair amount of the mess before it fully stains. If you don’t manage to get to the stain before it seeps in, a great solution is to pour some beer on the stain.
It may sound a bit insane, but beer can actually be really effective at lifting water-based stains from carpets. Simply pour a small amount of suds on the stain in question and rub it in. You may need to do this a few times, but it really does work!
Mud prints
See, this is why we take our shoes off at the front door! Mud stains can cause an unsightly mess throughout your home. However, there are a few steps (aside from telling off the culprit) you can take to ensure those stains don’t remain a permanent fixture in your carpet.
Firstly, resist the urge to start cleaning it for a while. Although it may be difficult, letting the mud dry is essential both in making it easier to clear up and stop the mud from being further dug into the carpet fibre. After it has dried, vacuum up any flakes you can and then spend some time dabbing the stain with a wet cloth and a squeeze of washing up detergent.
Pet stains
We love our pets; we don’t love it when they leave unwelcome surprises around the house. Unfortunately, when pets leave stains, it’s a bit of a double whammy of stain and smell, meaning that they can be particularly nasty.
With this in mind, you’ll need to make sure you clean and deodorise the spot in question. Firstly, clean any excess waste as soon as possible to stop it further compromising the carpet fibre. White vinegar is a great way to lift the stain out of the carpet, however, combining it with baking soda will create a more complete clean as the soda works to clear the odour away.
Struggling with stubborn stains?
Sometimes, no matter what home remedy or store-bought cleaning product you use, your carpet can still end up looking tired and dirty. However, we at Professional Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners are here to help. With our expertise and use of market-leading ChemSpec products, we can make any carpet in the Birmingham area shine again.
For more information on our range of services, from carpet cleaning to end of tenancy cleaning, visit our